Evidence Guides

Essentials of Scientific Research: A Practical Guide
Devon D. Brewer, author
Published in 2020
335 pages
ISBN 978-0-9986154-0-0 (paperback) | 978-0-9986154-1-7 (hardcover) | 978-0-9986154-2-4 (ebook: Kindle)

Despite its technical sophistication, scientific research often has flaws in procedure, logic, and language that ultimately undermine its value. In Essentials of Scientific Research, Devon D. Brewer covers indispensable principles and practices for conducting sound scientific research that are rarely taught or mentioned in textbooks. These frequently overlooked principles and practices are based on common sense and logic.

In this book, Brewer focuses on four aspects of doing scientific research:

Brewer uses observations from scientists and philosophers throughout history to highlight the timeless nature of the Essentials. Drawing on his own and others’ experiences, he gives practical advice on how to do scientific research well. This book is a reliable reference to consult again and again in negotiating the challenges of research.

About the author: Devon D. Brewer has 34 years of research experience in the health and social sciences. He has done research in academia, government, and the private sector, and also worked extensively as an independent scientist and consultant.

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